EducationAL Opportunities

Early Childhood


Middle School

High School
Ram Pride
RISE Grant Awardee
Centennial R-1 recently received a RISE grant to increase student access and agency with technology through a hyper-local 4th-grade Social Studies curriculum and HS Digital Arts curriculum developed in partnership with History Colorado and Digital Artists Kevin Sweet and Sarah McCormick.
Internet Access Grants and Projects
Through extensive funding from the State of Colorado, Centennial is embarking on a historic internet project to provide wifi internet to Centennial students while off-campus in an effort to provide equity in access and lessen the digital divide experienced by small, rural communities.
EARSS Grant Awardee
Centennial has been awarded an EARSS grant to build opportunities for our at-risk students to build the skills and experiences necessary to engage positively with school through work-based learning, restorative practices, and family skill building activities designed to strengthen family/school partnerships.
Community Strength
Centennial strives to sustain the local culture, traditions, practices, and language while providing critical lenses for our students to understand and engage with the world. Each initiative we undertake is infused with these goals and values. We know our strength lies within the deep roots of the community we serve.